
2000: Raised £5,539.05
We took part in Oasis Trust’s national Junction Radio Project this year, which involved producing “radio on demand” online radio programmes.

Fitting in with the online theme we opened the “Java Junction” internet cafe in Rugbys Museum and Art Gallery Building. This was successful enough to open for a week or so after Christmas AND again for two weeks at Easter!

2001: Raised £7,282.96
We were raising money for the Snedhadan School in Bangalore India which was in desparate need of new premises earlier in the year. Brenda had spent 6 months working with Oasis India in Bangalore and so knew the school and staff well.

Cracker FM was back on air on 106.8FM and ran for 3 1/2 weeks up until Christmas Eve, we didnt think the radio authority would allow it, but the gap between Rugby FM being awarded their Licence and going on air in 2002 was long enough for us to have our own RSL licence. Had Cracker FM live on the web for the first time!

We opened a Crackerteria at 8 North Street (next to the amusement arcade) – thanks to Andy F who let us use his empty premises. It was nicely appointed but rather cosy!. The upstairs room allowed us to have one of the best locations yet for the “Cracker a la Carte” evening restaurant

2002: Raised £7,820.62
In 2002 Rugby Christmas Cracker was helping to transform the lives of street girls and other destitute girls and young women in Kampala, Uganda. Poverty, AIDS and the death of relatives may lead a young girl to an existence on the streets or into slum communities where they are vulnerable to illness, abuse and sexual exploitation. The ultimate aim of the Bambejja Project (it means “Little Princesses”) is to re-settle girls back into their own or foster families and for the older ones, to empower them through training, to establish their own homes and sustainable lives.

No Cracker FM in 2002 since Rugby FM had only been on air a few months. But, we had one of the best Crackerterias yet at 22 Regent Street. Go to the 2002 web site

2003: Raised £7,301.65
The Cracker 2003 campaign was raising funds for poor street children in Mozambique and Bangalore, India. Brenda Sheil had a project running in Bangalore, teaching street girls the life skills they need to make a living. We supported the project, providing major funding for it. We also raised funds for an Oasis project in Mozambique, to provide shelter and key life needs to street boys. Cracker FM was back on the airwaves on 87.7FM and was operating from the smallest studio yet!

Happy Customers The Crackerteria From outside The Studio!
The Crackerteria also operated out of very small premises on Castle Street but was still very successful. The evening “Cracker A La Carte” restaurant proved to be the most popular yet, raising £1200 on its own. Go to the 2003 web site

2004 was Rugby Christmas Cracker’s 14th year of campaigning and since 1991 has raised over £100,000 for third world aid and development projects. The sections below give a short summary of what we’ve done each year, how much we raised and where the money went.

Due to lack of premises available there was no café this year, however an al a carte delivery service was running and was a great success. The radio was the strongest point of this year and was broadcast on 87.9FM from the St Andrew’s church house.

Café was located on Railway terrace, where the new church is now located. Trade was very successful once again. Radio was broadcast from the St Andrews church house, sadly for the last time this year. We were broadcasting with excellent reception on 87.9FM.

Café was on Church street this year where CAVA café is now located. The café was extremely successful once again with lots of trade, particularly Saturdays which were packed out. The radio was located in the same building but upstairs where the Hope Centre is now located. The reception was poor to start with, but some excellent technical support meant excellent signal by about 2 days in. We broadcasted again on 87.9 FM.

2009: Raised £13,173.54
Café on Regent place was very successful, especially for business customers wanting bacon sandwiches! Radio broadcast from a room in the café on 87.9FM, but the reception was unfortunately very poor, we still carried on though like true professionals!