Well that’s it from Cracker in 2014!

Whether it was in the Crackerteria during the day, A la Carte during the night or presenting on Cracker Radio thank you to everyone who has helped out this year!
A special thank you goes out to you for visiting our Crackerteria and donating to our project this Christmas. Rugby Christmas Cracker has been going for 23 years and we wouldn’t still be here without your support.
We here at Rugby Christmas Cracker, wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Cracker will now go into hibernation but don’t fret because we’ll update you on how well we did this Christmas and how your money has helped our partners at Fashion With Heart Creations (read more about them here).
We hope you will continue to support us in the new year when Cracker returns in 2015…