The festive season is almost upon us which must mean it’s time for the launch of Rugby Christmas Cracker 2015!
For the 25th consecutive time we will be setting up Cracker Radio, the Crackerteria and the A la Carte evening service in aid of those less fortunate in the developing world. Once again our chosen cause is Fashion With Heart Creations. Their work helps women in Asia to develop the skills to gain employment in the textile industry so they are able to provide the essentials for their families. To find out more about Rugby Christmas Cracker and the work Fashion With Heart Creations do, click on the #HowYouHelp link.
This year we will be based in the centre of Rugby at the Swan Centre at the former Abbies Cafe, which is near Asda and the Library.
Cracker Radio will be streaming live on this site from this Friday (3 weeks from Christmas) and the Crackerteria will be up and running the following day.
Be sure to like us on Facebook (Click here)and follow us on Twitter (@RugbyCracker) for all Cracker news and information and we hope to see as many throughout this Christmas!