We’re back again for 2024, in the old Boots shop in Rugby Central. We’ll be open from the 23rd November at 10 am, so look forward to seeing you there.
That’s right, we’re back in Rugby Central (or the Clocktowers if you, like Katie, still call it that) between Iceland and Subway. We are opening on 27th November at 10am – 5.30pm. the premises is large so we will be able to socially distance. Staff will be wearing masks and […]
2000: Raised £5,539.05 We took part in Oasis Trust’s national Junction Radio Project this year, which involved producing “radio on demand” online radio programmes. Fitting in with the online theme we opened the “Java Junction” internet cafe in Rugbys Museum and Art Gallery Building. This was successful enough to open […]
1992: Raised over £15,000 The Christmas Cracker national campaign focused on the problem of 3rd world exploitation through tea and coffee trading and launched a network of “Eat Less – Pay More” Restaurants and Crackerterias. Rugbys first Crackerteria opened up on North Street opposite the Clock Tower (now Klick photo […]
The first year of Rugby Christmas Cracker taking part in Oasis Trust’s national Christmas Cracker campaign raising money for aid and development projects in the third world. The campaign consisted of a national network of Radio Cracker stations. Rugby’s Radio Cracker broadcast to Rugby on from St. Matthews Church in […]