Despite the circumstances, despite the odds, despite the short time to set up, we did it! It wouldn’t have been possible without you.
We have had such a wonderful year for cracker which is down to great number of people, even though we thought it would be a slow year for cracker, we did tremendously.
We had a fantastic response towards our takeaway A La Carte meals, this was brilliant! It meant we could still deliver cracker to you in a fashion no matter what was thrown at us.
All of the Cracker team would just like to say a huge thank you to all of the volunteers and customers in 2020, we respect it was difficult but we all pulled together and made an appearance.
I know what you’re waiting for, its a total right? We have raised over £6,000! and still counting. Thank you for helping in raising such a large amount of money for FWH Creations (our chosen charity last year). This money will go towards helping the poorest women in Bangalore, India. Training them in technical tailoring skills and English and computer skills to help them get employment.